Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ezekiel 4:9 bread

I've recently started enjoying Ezekiel 4:9 bread. The entire idea of sprouted grains is new to me, and it's been something that I've been researching, but high level, the idea behind sprouting grains is about briefly soaking the grains in order that the grains can attain an easier to digest state. Even whole wheat grains and breads, while beneficial, are still difficult on the digestive system to break down, and sprouting grains addresses this issue.

I'm sort of mixed on the idea of marketing the bread with a Biblical passage title. While I think it's cool to see a Biblical title to the bread, I also think that the context is just a little bizarre (Ezekiel can be a troubling book to interpret, especially some of the "other" bread passages that come to mind from this book, that I would NOT want to find in a bread recipe! :) But do I like the idea behind it, and I've been fascinated by the idea behind sprouted grains. This is a subject I continue to research.