Triumph Over Disease by Fasting And Natural Diet by Dr. Jack Goldstein
A good book worth checking out on the subject of healing the body through fasting is once called "Triumph Over Disease by Fasting and Natural Diet", by Dr. Jack Goldstein. I owned this book a few years ago (and subsequently lent it out and lost it) but it looks like the entirety of the text is online at this site (it is a geocities site, though, so it won't be around forever, so it's best to just pick up a copy from Amazon.... however, I just searched Amazon and couldn't find this one in stock. Hmm...)
The story behind the book is that Jack Goldstein suffered from a host of illnesses, including ulcerative colitis, and by undergoing an extensive fast of foods (under a Doctor's supervision) his body (and digestive system) was able to completely heal itself. Fascinating material, and definitely a topic you will NEVER read about in the latest Readers Digest (why, there are pills and things that can fix that problem!)
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