Mission burrito wraps and the quest for non-hydrogenated wraps
It can be a frustrating endeavor to find taco/burrito wraps that don't have hydrogenated oil or lard. Mission brand is one that I see the most of, and every single variety that I check at the store has the word "hydrogenated" in it. The word hydrogenated, be it partially, fully, or just plain, is an instant indicator for me to put said product back on the shelf again.
What I've found is that H.E.B. (a big Texas grocery chain) has a bakery that makes wraps without hydrogenated oils, and this is impressive, considering that its out of the same bakery that sells hydrogenated pastries galore. But what's odd is that, only ONE of the local H.E.B's actually carries these, and the other two ones near me do NOT! I can't figure that one out.
So the wrap quest continues. Of course, I could just make my own, and it's tempting to just do this from now on and just skip the headache. The mini recipe is along the lines of:
- 1 cup flour
- 1 cup milk
- an egg
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