Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Danger of Trans Fats and Hyrdogenated Oils

ban trans fats, and better food labeling laws from the fda

I great site with plenty of information about the danger of hydrogenated oils is Ban Trans Fats: The Campaign To Ban Partially Hydrogenated Oils. I like this site, and it has a lot of good information on the campaign to remove these harmful, plasticy artificial fats from foods. For a long time now, I've been avoiding ANY foods that have the word "hydrogenated" in the label, and I'm always anxious to find a site to provide more information about this nasty food additive.

The site points out something important, that even though FDA regulations state, "if the serving contains less than 0.5 gram [of trans fat], the content, when declared, shall be expressed as zero," this doesn't necessarily mean that the product is actually trans fat free.... it just has a very small content of trans fats! So if you eat enough of this product, you'll still be ingesting trans fats, just in a smaller dosage. I think that this labeling is deliberately deceptive, and there need to be some changes to make this labeling system more accurate... and honest!