Wednesday, August 12, 2009

FDA Declares Mercury Amalgam Fillings Safe for All

The FDA declaring mercury fillings to be safe is highly questionable to me. I've heard some mixed things from, of all people, my own dentist. We talked about about mercury fillings, and while he does believe there can be some risk to these, the likelihood of these leaking is rare. The other thing he mentioned is, to have mercury fillings removed involves wearing down remaining tooth material to get them out. They don't just melt out, but you need to wear away the tooth further to get these out. So there's a trade-off involved there. Frankly, the idea of a mercury-based item situated in one's teeth does not seem like a good idea. My understanding is that it's mercury in vaccines that also causes these products to be suspect as well.

This gets into the area of heavy-metal detox, which is a new subject that I'm just beginning to research now. I've heard of a few foods that help remove toxic metals from the body, and I also know that fasting is supposed to do the same thing as well. I'm curious to learn more about what one needs to do to get toxic metals and chemicals out of the body.