Friday, December 10, 2010

Triumph Over Disease by Fasting and Natural Diet - by Jack Goldstein

I read this book years ago and was fascinated by the message: natural healing from a severely degenerative case of ulcerative colitis through a controlled fast.  There is some remarkable material in this book, and even more fascinating to me is how LITTLE you ever hear about the health benefits of fasting from the medical community (presumably, there are just too many ties to the food industry and too much revenue to lose if everyone started fasting in order to heal.)

But the premise is simple enough: you fast, and by doing so you give your digestive system a "break", so that more energies can be focused to other systems like the immune system.  I really think there's something to this,  considering the vast amount of space and resources that the body has devoted simply to eating, metabolizing and digesting.  Worth checking out.