9 Ingredients to avoid in processed foods
An excellent, and surprisingly thorough, article on Shine listing out food additives to avoid in foods, including potential health side effects. Of course the list could have gone further: I would have included homogenized dairy products and any wheat products with processed, bleached flour, but all things considered, this was a good, comprehensive list.
Bravo to the author for including all of the variations of artificial sweetners as well. I would have liked to see all of the derrivatives of MSG listed, though, such as autolyzed yeast, yeast extract, etc.
I thought it ironic that the advertisement on the page featured an image of a cupcake that likely contained ingredients violating most of the ingredients listed in the article...
I thought it ironic that the advertisement on the page featured an image of a cupcake that likely contained ingredients violating most of the ingredients listed in the article...

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