Thursday, March 11, 2010

Is the Wi-Fi revolution a health time bomb?

As someone who is constantly surrounded by computers and wifi, this sort of article from the Independent is something I'll be keeping my eye on. Considering that wifi is everywhere, I've been wondering what sort of detriment this poses on health, namely cancer risks, and I'm going to continue to be researching into this more.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Batgirl Re-Written

Just some silliness I reworded with PhotoShop...


Stand Up To Cancer (with behavioral changes?)

At the mall the other day one of the mall TV screens was playing an add for a "Stand Up To Cancer" charity, featuring a determined Reece Witherspoon writing her name on the wall in support. And while I respect any charities and their efforts to research a cure for cancer, I checked out the site and what seems strangely absent to me is: what BEHAVIORAL changes are needed to combat cancer? Research is great, and of course screening and checks, but ultimately wouldn't the best way to stand up to cancer be through PREVENTION?

As evidenced by all the posts here so far, I'm a strong proponent in changing DIET as a means of improving health and avoiding disease, but the Stand Up site didn't really have anything on diet that I could find (or even behavioral changes, for instance.) I flipped through a number of pages on the site, because, frankly, I'd like to know what lifestyle changes could mean a lower cancer risk.

Additionally, I think about sites like and the list of scientific studies linking abortion to breast cancer, and yet material like this is starkly absent from sites like Stand Up. Why? Are all of these studies just summarily dismissed as anecdotal? Or is it just the "wrong" science that doesn't belong to be heard?

I wish organizations like Stand Up the best, but I think it would be so much more impactful if sites like this focused on diet, nutrition and behavior - in other words, preventative measures to avoid cancer.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP) and What is this stuff?

Another good article on NaturalNews about hydrolized protein in food. I've long puzzled over the similarity between MSG, autolyzed & hydrolized protein and yeast extract, and this article helps offer a little more insight into this.

I can usually tell if a food has MSG or similar family of strange chemical, as there's a distinct unnatural aftertaste in the mouth that follows eating the food. Aspartame and artificial sweetners have a similar effect as well. I would never experience this sort of mysterious after-effect flavor after eating something like an organic apple.

The article goes on to point out how the FDA has no problems with approving these food additives, and only really had issues when there was the possibility of a salmonella outbreak. Otherwise, it's perfectly "safe"?


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Think Twice: Global Vaccine Institute

Here's an excellent site with information about vaccines and the vaccine controversy. I especially like that the site has a category for studies, with the description that "Authorities often claim that "anti-vaccine" websites do not provide valid documentation. We provide hundreds of peer-reviewed studies from scientific and medical journals. Many of these studies link vaccines to the onset of new diseases."
